White Rose
White Rose is an exhibition project in memory of the Anti-Nazi group "Die Weiße Rose", who lived through the dictatorship and were the only group that stood up to the Third Reich.

Ideation Steps

1. Torus: Going in circles, all connected, no central focus such as the White Rose group.

2. Open and flexible: Freedom, modularity.

3. Layers: Resembling rose shape, view points from different angles.

4. Exhibition panels: Placement of information, access to mobility, sitting areas.

Richard Serra: Torqued Ellipses, Guggenheim/Bilboa
Storseisundet Bridge, Averøy, Norway

Display Points

1. Video projection,
2. Poster display units on plexi-glass
- creating contrast with the overall flow, representing the frozen memory of this act,
3. Picture projection,
4. Display surface, plexi-glass
5. Text display on panels
6. Audio corner for listening acts
Design of Single Units

Interactive Center-Piece

The upper part of the bench (backrest on a conventional seat) displays the original signatures of the members of the White Rose movement. On the seat part, the audience is asked to mark their signatures as well and show support for the movement.